
Learn more about me

Fullstack & Backend Developer

A passionate Laravel developer from Pekalongan, Indonesia. I have an interest in developing website with 2 years of experience as a full-stack Web developer primarily using the Laravel framework. I have skills in Laravel, JavaScript and SQL but willing to learn anything that is needed to solve the problem efficiently. Also I like to research on how to improve my skills and knowledge. As a part of my work, I spend many hours on programming, building projects and improving myself.

  • Birthday: 20 April 2001
  • Website: www.example.com
  • Phone: +62 815 4270 9317
  • City: Pekalongan, Indonesia
  • Age: 21
  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Email: shodikkunachmat21@gmail.com
  • Freelance: Available

My primary focus is building my skills and knowledge in the web development industry. I would appreciate an opportunity and continue to learn more about the web development space. I have been very passionate about this ever since I was young. I enjoyed creating and building amazing things.


HTML 100%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 75%
PHP 90%
Laravel 90%
NodeJS 55%


Check My Resume


Achmat Sodikkun

A passionate Laravel developer from Pekalongan, Indonesia. I have an interest in developing website with 2 years of experience as a full-stack Web developer primarily using the Laravel framework.

  • Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
  • (+62) 815-4270-9317
  • shodikkunachmat21@gmail.com


Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering

2020 - 2024 (Expected)

Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

Computer and Network Engineering

2016 - 2019

SMK Negeri 2 Pekalongan, Pekalongan, Indonesia


Internship Fullstack Developer

Aug 2022 - Jan 2023

PT. Allure Alluminio , Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Work as a team to create a finance module and be responsible as a team leader to manage a team of 4 people
  • Create a website-based Finance module using the Laravel and Bootstrap frameworks, for the purposes of creating an ERP Information System
  • Integrating the Finance module with other ERP modules
  • Have strong communication with the team, do meetings 4 times per week


My Works

  • Web

Finance module erp system


Academic information system


Smart Inventory System


Sales information system


Personnel information system


library information system



Contact Me

My Address

Pekalongan, Indonesia

Social Profiles

Email Me


Call Me

+62 815 4270 9317

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